Creating customers and accounts

This page describes usual steps needed to create a fully-functioning account owned by a customer or a group of customers.



Create Customer

Create Customer or Customers.
Each account needs to have an owner - that owner needs to exist before an account is created. The simplest case is a personal account, belonging to a single Customer. Alternatively, joint and business account belong to Groups of Customers.

Create Group

Optionally, create a customer Group
As mentioned above, joint and business accounts belong to a Group of customers. This API allows a bit of flexibility - you can start with creating Customers, and then when creating a Group, pass the IDs of these Customers. You can also create an empty Group, and then create and add Customers to it.

Add Customers to a Group

Optionally, add Customers to a Group
As mentioned above, you can add Customers to an existing Group.

Create Account for Customer
Create Account for a Group

Create the Account
After the Account owner is ready - whether it's a Group or an individual Customer - it's time to create an Account. Depending on the type of the owner, you will use one of the listed here APIs.

Update Account Risk Level

Set Account Risk Level
Risk levels are one of the parameters arranged with our Product Team when integration options are discussed, so the exact meaning of this option might vary.

The default functionality defines two risk levels: HIGH and LOW - with HIGH assigned by default and denoting accounts that didn't go through all regulatory checks yet. Once you're ready to allow the account to transact, you should set its risk level to LOW. Before that, the account will only accept incoming funds.

Update Customer status

Activate the Customer
This is another functionality that depends on the integration options agreed with our Product Team - for example if you will be doing your own KYC, or would rather us do it for you.

The default behaviour is that you should update the Customer Status to ACTIVE once you're happy for them to start using their account. If we are doing the KYC for you, we might execute this step automatically at the end of successful KYC procedure. For details, refer to separate business documentation.

This endpoint should be called for each account owner separately.

Update Account overdraft limit

Update Overdraft limit for the account
If you have the Overdraft facility enabled for your integration, this is the endpoint you can use to set the Overdraft limit for an Account.

Create Card for Customer

Create a Card for Customer(s)
If your integration has VISA scheme enabled, the next step is to issue cards for the account owners. You will have to create a Card for each Customer separately.

Activate Card

Activate Card
Before the card can be first used, it needs to be Activated. This endpoint is usually called in response to Customer's action, after the card is physically delivered to their address.

Update Card preferences

Update Payment Preferences on Card
This endpoint can be used to manage individual payment preferences, like enabling mobile wallets or disabling ATM withdrawals.