Welcome to the Shaype® Developer Hub

Here you will find detailed guides and technical documentation to help you better understand what is available on the Shaype® platform and support you in achieving an efficient and effective integration for your business, as well as support for existing customers if you get stuck.


New business solutions – please email us here.

Existing customers please contact your dedicated Shaype support team.

Product Level Documentation

The below pages focus on the various products available on the Shaype platform and provide an in-depth view of how Shaype’s functionality works.

Technical Documentation

Our B2B REST API documentation details all endpoints available on the platform relating to functionality such as creation of customer and accounts as well as control over limits, transactions and spending rules, to name a few. Shaype also provides a Communications API for notification of all customer events and an Authentication API to ensure security requirements are met for you and your customers.

The Shaype Experience Layer is public and available to be called from an (authenticated) application to access functionality on their account. This is the layer that the Shaype™ accelerator app uses. We use GraphQL to ensure that the communication between the app and our microservice layer is efficient and not overly chatty.


New business solutions – please email us here.

Existing customers please contact your dedicated Shaype support team.