JUMP TOAPI EndpointsOpenAPI SpecificationsGuidanceSecurity and authenticationB2B Rest APIGraphQL with external authenticationGraphQL with Shaype authenticationCommunications API (Webhooks)Creating customers and accountsB2B Operations APIPayID APIGet PayID detailsgetCheck PayID availabilitygetGet PayID de-register historygetUpdate PayID detailspostResolve PayID to bank accountgetUpdate PayID statuspatchGet PayIDs by Account IDgetRegister PayIDpostBPAY APIBPAY billers for accountgetCreate BPAY Biller for Account IDpostInitiate BPAY paymentpostValidate BPAYpostRetrieve BPAY BillergetUpdate BPAY BillerpatchStacks APIGet all Stacks by Account IDgetCreate new stackpostGet all Stack Transactions by Account IDgetTransfer funds from Stack to Stack of an AccountpostUpdate StackputClose StackpostGet all Stack Transactions by Stack IDgetTransfer funds from Account to StackpostTransfer funds from Stack to AccountpostPayTo APIReturns all Mandate IDs for a Shaype Account ID.getCreate MandatepostAmend Mandate by InitiatorputGet Mandate Actions by InitiatorgetCancel Mandate by InitiatorpatchGet Payment instruction status by Mandate ID and Payment instruction IDgetAmend Mandate payment termspatchSet amount of Scheduled Payment Initiation Request by InitiatorpatchRelease Mandate by InitiatorpatchResolve Mandate by InitiatorpatchSearch payments instructions by Mandate IDgetSuspend Mandate by InitiatorpatchGet Mandates by debtor account numbersgetGet Mandate by IDgetAmend Mandate by PayerputGet Mandate Actions by PayergetCancel Mandate by PayerpatchRelease Mandate by PayerpatchResolve Mandate pending action by PayerpatchSuspend Mandate by PayerpatchMake Adhoc PaymentpostCheck if BSB supports PayTogetTransactions APICreate Credit Transaction for Account (DEPRECATED)postCreate Debit Transaction for Account (DEPRECATED)postSearch TransactionspostCreate Credit Transaction for AccountpostCreate Debit Transaction for AccountpostGet Transaction by IDgetScheduled Payments APIGet Scheduled Payments by Account IDgetGet Scheduled Payment by Payment ID for an AccountgetCancel Scheduled PaymentpostKYC APICreate new identity verification case and first submissionpostApprove AML CheckpostApprove Document CheckpostApprove Sanctions CheckpostCustomers APIGet all CustomersgetCreate CustomerpostSearch CustomerspostCreate Account for Customer - (To be DEPRECATED - Use POST /v1/accounts instead)postGet Account by Customer IDgetGet Cards by Customer IDgetGet Customer by IDgetUpdate Customer detailspatchBlock CustomerpostUpdate Customer statuspatchUnblock CustomerpostDirect Debits APIGet outbound Direct Debits by dategetCreate outbound Direct DebitpostGet outbound Direct Debit by IDgetGet outbound Direct Debits by dategetCreate outbound Direct DebitpostGet outbound Direct Debit by IDgetMerchant Category Codes APIGet all Merchant Category CodesgetLiquidity APIGet client LiquiditygetGet all liquidity alerting ThresholdsgetCreate liquidity alerting ThresholdpostUpdate liquidity alerting ThresholdputUtilities APICreate stub for search payment instructions for a mandate.postTrigger mock ATM card transactionpostTrigger mock card HoldpostTrigger mock card Hold and SettlementpostGenerate mock NPP inbound transaction v2.postGenerate mock Mandate notification for Initiator.postGenerate mock Mandate notification for Payer.postGenerate mock NPP inbound transaction.postGenerate mock Receive A Payment Instruction (RAPAIN).postCards APICreate Card for CustomerpostGet Card by IDgetActivate CardpostBlock CardpostCancel CardpostConvert CardpostGet wallets by Card IDgetGet provisioning data by Card IDgetGet preferences by Card IDgetUpdate Card preferencespatchChange Card PINputGet Card PIN statusgetUnblock Card PINpostReplace CardpostRenew CardpostEnrol card to rewardspostUnblock CardpostTokens APIRetrieve an elevation header to be used for GraphQL APIs that require step up accesspostExchange External Token for a Shaype token to be used when calling our GraphQL APIspostProducts APIGets all productsgetAccounts APIGet Account by IDgetBlock Account and CustomerpostGet all Cards by Account IDgetCloses an accountpostGet all Authorisation Holds by Account IDgetUpdate Account max balancepatchUpdate Account overdraft limitpatchGet Risk Level by Account IDgetUpdate Account Risk LevelpatchInitiate Cash Transfer (DEPRECATED)postUnblock AccountpostCreates an AccountpostSearch accountspostDelete Custom Data from AccountdeleteCreate Custom Data for AccountpostGet all limits by Account IDgetDelete limit from AccountdeleteSet limit for AccountputGet all Rules by Account IDgetCreate Rule for AccountpostDelete Rule from AccountdeleteGet Rule for Account by Rule IDgetInitiate Cash TransferpostGroups APICreate GrouppostGet Account by Group IDgetUpdate Group detailspatchCreate Account for Group - (To be DEPRECATED - Use POST /v1/accounts instead)postAdd Customers to GrouppostRemove a Customer from a GrouppostHolds APIGet Authorisation Hold by IDgetNotification WebhooksNotifications APINotification - SMSpostNotification - eventpostNotification - emailpostAuthentication APISecurity APIRetrieve public keysgetMagic Link APIRedirect Magic Link to AppgetRequest Magic Link emailpostToken APIElevate Access TokenpostExchange External TokenpostRe-issue Access TokenpostIssue Access and Refresh TokenspostLogout APILog Out an InstallationpostDemote an elevated InstallationpostPasscode APIRequest Passcode ChallengepostChange PasscodepostStart Forgotten Passcode flowpostLog-in UserpostReset the PasscodepostSet a Passcode for UserpostEmail Bypass APIRequest a VERIFY OTPpostValidate the VERIFY OTPgetExternal Authorisation APIExternal Auth APIAuthorise a new card holdpostIncrease an existing hold amountpatchAuthorise a new transactionpostGet all Stack Transactions by Account IDget http://localhost:8080/v0/accounts/{accountId}/stacks/transactionsRetrieves all transactions across all Stacks