Account Limits and Risk Level

Every account will have associated limits which can be viewed or managed via the Account API.

Limit Hierarchy

There are three levels in place for ensuring limits are in place and actively being monitored for the continued security of an account.

Product level limits

The Product level is the overarching limit which cannot be exceeded. This limit is agreed between Shaype and the client and set by Shaype internally to ensure it cannot be changed.

Account level limits

Account level limits allow setting restrictions on a specific account and for specific types of transactions. An account level limit can be controlled through the use of the Account API endpoint. An account level limit cannot exceed the Product level.

Effective limit

If an account level limit is set this will be the effective limit, otherwise the default Product level limit will be used as the effective limit.

How Daily Limit works?

Daily limit are calculated on a rolling 24h window. When we receive a transaction request, the limit checker will get all transactions from the past 24h for that account and check if the total (including the current transaction) would go over the limit. If yes, it would reject the transaction with the appropriate outcome.

Types of limits

  • ATM_WITHDRAWAL_PER_DAY: The maximum amount of money that can be withdrawn from an ATM within a single day.
  • BANK_TRANSFER_TOP_UP_PER_DAY: The maximum amount of money that can be added (topped up) to an account via bank transfer within a single day.
  • BPAY_DAILY_LIMIT: The maximum amount of money that can be transferred using BPAY within a single day.
  • CARD_PAYMENTS_DAILY: The maximum total value of transactions that can be made using a card within a single day.
  • DIRECT_DEBIT_PER_DAY: The maximum total value of outgoing cash from inbound direct debit requests that can be processed from an account in a single day.
  • MAX_BALANCE: The maximum allowable balance that an account can hold.
  • MIN_BALANCE: The lowest balance that an account must maintain. (Shaype use only)
  • MIN_STACK_BALANCE: The minimum balance that can be held in a specific Stack (Shaype use only)
  • OVERDRAFT_PRODUCT_LIMIT: The maximum amount of overdraft that can be applied on Account.
  • PAYMENT_TO_ACCOUNT_NUMBER: The maximum value of individual outgoing cash transfer
  • SINGLE_CARD_TRANSACTION: the maximum amount that can be spent in a single card transaction.
  • TOTAL_SPEND_PER_YEAR: The maximum amount that can be spent (outgoing transfers) from an account in a year
  • TOP_UP_PER_DAY: The maximum amount of money that can be added (Inbound cash transfer) to an account within a single day.

Types are not currently in Use

  • BPAY_TOP_UP_PER_DAY: Not currently used
  • CARD_TOP_UP_PER_DAY: Not currently used
  • PAYMENT_TO_PAY_ID: Not currently used

Account Level Limit APIs

Set Account Limit

  • An account level limit can be controlled through this endpoint.

API Reference: Set limit for Account

Get Account Limits

  • The endpoint to retrieve all limits by account Id.

API Reference: Get all limit by Account Id

Remove limits

  • Endpoint to reset the limit for a specific account and limit type. Once removed, the Product level limit will be used. The Product level limit cannot be removed; it can be changed via discussion and agreement being reached with Shaype however.

API Reference: Delete limit from Account

Update Account Overdraft Limit

  • If you have the Overdraft facility enabled, this is the endpoint you can use to set the Overdraft limit for an account.

API Reference: Update Account overdraft limit


The platform has levels of risk that are used to control all the limits at once. Please refer to the section below to understand more about Risk Levels

Risk Level

  • Account risk level is a way to control all the limits at once. We have two level of risk HIGH and LOW risk level.
  • Client can update the risk level for an account through the Update Account Risk Level API call.
  • HIGH risk level set all limits to 0, which means setting an account to a HIGH risk level will prevent all outbound and inbound transactions.
  • Account with LOW risk level, operating normally using standard product limits.

Get Risk Level

  • Endpoint to retrieve the risk level by account Id.

API Reference: Get Risk Level by Account ID

Update Risk Level

  • Endpoint to update Account risk level. You can update single account risk level at a time.

API Reference: Update Account Risk Level