Status Transitions

Payment status transition

Status Details

Payment OutcomeOutcome typeMeaningFurther action
UNDELIVEREDFinalMessage could not be delivered to the PayTo rails (Payment Gateway PAG). Client should retry initiation.Retry. In case of continuing failure please contact Shaype for support
STORE_AND_FORWARDNon-finalTarget institution is not available, but message will be relayed when they are back onlineCheck Get Payment instruction status by Mandate ID and Payment Instruction ID for updates
SENTNon-finalMessage has been sent, no acknowledgement yet receivedCheck Get Payment instruction status by Mandate ID and Payment Instruction ID for updates
RECEIVEDNon-finalMessage has been received, no further update on status yetCheck Get Payment instruction status by Mandate ID and Payment Instruction ID for updates
ACCEPTED_FOR_CLEARANCENon-finalPayment is accepted but settlement not initiatedCheck Get Payment instruction status by Mandate ID and Payment Instruction ID for updates
SETTLEMENT_ABORTEDNon-finalSettlement could not be completedRetry. In case of continuing failure please contact Shaype for support
PENDINGNon-finalSettlement queued for handling but not completeCheck Get Payment instruction status by Mandate ID and Payment Instruction ID for updates
ACCEPTED_AND_SETTLEDFinalSettlement completedNo further action / check for payment / onward activities
REJECTEDFinalPayment could not be completedPayment not possible due to reason supplied. Request could be modified and resubmitted - or if unexpected problem then please contact Shaype team for support