Customer Removal


When removing a customer from a group, we will perform actions that ensure that the customer can no longer use a card linked to accounts held by the group and, where appropriate, we will update the customer's status.

Group Account Card Cancellation

When removing a customer from a group, the primary impact will be removing their ability to spend on any accounts linked to that group. When processing a request, the Shaype system will search for any cards the customer holds that are issued against accounts held by the group and cancel them.

Customer Status Update

When processing a group removal, we will assess if that customer now meets our definition of a customer status Inactive.

Inactive Definition

If the customer is linked only to accounts with a Closed status, then the customer is deemed Inactive, and their status is updated to reflect this.

Remove from Group Account Rejection

When requesting to remove a customer from a group, the system will validate if the group has one or more members remaining. If the customer is the group's final member, then the remove from group API will reject the request.

When a group only has one member, that customer should remain associated with the group. Any accounts linked to that group should be closed via the close account API.