Apple and Google Pay Notifications
The Shaype Platform is sending various reminder notifications as well as Apple-specific reward notifications to the client system.
Reminder notifications schedule will be started when a customer starts the process of adding their card to a digital wallet. The first notification will be to remind the customer to complete the process and then to spend their first transaction using Apple Pay.
Haven’t Started Card Provisioning
- When the card is created but customer haven’t started provisioning the card to wallet
"customerHayId": "e35176d6-0d18-4d0d-bfde-186583ef5s23",
"idempotencyKey": "43ff14b2-2f0a-4409-a821-bb823d92cs34",
"type": "REMINDER",
"cardHayId": "8d382435-3fba-4edb-807b-1f0389698765",
"customerHayId": "e98a0fa5-df8f-4b5a-b365-186583ef5s23",
"idempotencyKey": "01b58dc2-7590-43ea-9b8e-bb823d92cs34",
"type": "REMINDER",
"cardHayId": "e2a4f618-d452-4fe9-ae5e-1f0389698765",
"customerHayId": "0349ee9d-771d-4f54-a2c1-186583ef5s23",
"idempotencyKey": "67e54ae5-aac8-469d-be35-bb823d92cs34",
"type": "REMINDER",
"cardHayId": "38323d18-c472-45da-8456-1f0389698765",
Card Provisioning Started but Not Completed
- When the customer started to provision a digital wallet but did not complete the process:
Within 24 hours of customer onboarding, Apple Pay provisioning has begun but
has not yet been completed.
"idempotencyKey": "bd84afb3-80de-456b-909e-186583ef5s23",
"emailAddress": "[email protected]",
"type": "REMINDER",
"customerDetails": {
"customerHayId": "f064f06a-e5bb-4b0c-8318-186583ef5s23",
"firstName": "Andyfirstname",
"lastName": "Andylastname",
"preferredName": "Andy"
"cardHayId": "3057cd4f-45cf-48ba-af7f-186583ef5s23",
"reminderType": "APPLE_PAY_REMINDER_24_HRS"
Within 7 days of provisioning commencing, but it still has not been completed.
Only triggered on first attempt of partial provisioning attempt
"idempotencyKey": "4bf4bca6-67c3-450e-82b3-bb823d92cs34",
"emailAddress": "[email protected]",
"type": "REMINDER",
"customerDetails": {
"customerHayId": "3f11e4df-fcf1-484a-918a-186583ef5s23",
"firstName": "Andy firstname",
"lastName": "Andy lastname",
"preferredName": "Andy"
"reminderType": "APPLE_PAY_REMINDER_7_DAYS"
Within 24 hours of customer onboarding, Google Pay provisioning
has begun but has not yet been completed.
"idempotencyKey": "ed004e8a-522b-4899-910e-49c74bea1976",
"emailAddress": "[email protected]",
"type": "REMINDER",
"customerDetails": {
"customerHayId": "9528f731-8447-433c-936b-9940d7d3121b",
"firstName": "Andyfirstname",
"lastName": "Andylastname",
"preferredName": "Andy"
"cardHayId": "4893794b-37a6-4234-8b35-9940d7d3121b",
Within 7 days of provisioning commencing, but it still has not been completed.
Only triggered on first attempt of partial provisioning attempt
"idempotencyKey": "a7052ab2-82d6-42a4-beff-9940d7d3121b",
"emailAddress": "[email protected]",
"type": "REMINDER",
"customerDetails": {
"customerHayId": "81926133-2621-48cc-9ad7-9940d7d3121b",
"firstName": "Andyfirstname",
"lastName": "Andylastname",
"preferredName": "Andy"
"cardHayId": "d852865b-6f76-49d3-968f-9940d7d3121b",
Card Provision Successfully
- When Once card provisioned successfully to the wallet, platform will send CARD_ADDED_TO_WALLET event to client platform
Triggered immediately after card added to wallet
"customerHayId": "e818093c-4bd6-4dbc-b054-66318a55a587",
"idempotencyKey": "7ed153c1-e1f9-4305-a92c-0b30e1c56b20",
"cardAdditionToWalletEvent": {
"cardHayId": "b91826b8-78f2-4d36-bfb4-a4139cee591e",
"cardLastFourDigits": "7927",
"walletType": "APPLE_WALLET"
Card Provisioned but No Transaction Made
- When the customer has completed provisioning their card successfully but has not yet made any transaction through the wallet pay:
Within the 7 days of provisioning Apple Pay, but no transactions have been made
using Apple Pay. Awareness of being able to use contactless payments with Apple Pay.
"customerHayId": "203d1dda-5665-440a-a757-186583ef5s23",
"idempotencyKey": "bf3506c2-3781-44b8-8304-186583ef5s23",
"type": "REMINDER",
Within the 14 days of provisioning Apple Pay, but no transactions have been made using Apple Pay.
"customerHayId": "203d1dda-5665-440a-a757-bb823d92cs34",
"idempotencyKey": "84f96abf-2ea5-4eea-bd63-186583ef5s23",
"type": "REMINDER",
Within the 7 days of provisioning Google Pay, but no transactions have been made
using Google Pay. Awareness of being able to use contactless payments with Google Pay.
"idempotencyKey": "8b52b805-0524-4d75-98e3-9940d7d3121b",
"emailAddress": "[email protected]",
"type": "REMINDER",
"customerDetails": {
"customerHayId": "401f8748-fa16-4642-9a6f-9940d7d3121b",
"firstName": "Andyfirstname",
"lastName": "Andylastname",
"preferredName": "Andy"
"cardHayId": "231f83c5-f77b-4e3d-8845-9940d7d3121b",
Within the 14 days of provisioning Google Pay, but no transactions have been made using Google Pay.
"idempotencyKey": "c8884b45-bf2b-45bc-9ff5-9940d7d3121b",
"emailAddress": "[email protected]",
"type": "REMINDER",
"customerDetails": {
"customerHayId": "a6fefd05-c76f-4da8-81e5-9940d7d3121b",
"firstName": "Andyfirstname",
"lastName": "Andylastname",
"preferredName": "Andy"
"cardHayId": "0000f60a-4cfa-451e-ae82-9940d7d3121b",
Updated 2 months ago