Card Operations

Create Card

  • Card linked to a customer. This will provide the customer with a new card with new details such as PAN, expiry date and CVV. This does not cancel any existing card.
  • Card types must be agreed with Shaype at the initiation phase in order to ensure card type is available for the customer. If it is not agreed and an unsupported card type is chosen an error will occur.
  • Physical card will be created and sent in AWAITING_ACTIVATION.
  • Virtual cards will be created and automatically ACTIVE.
  • Card Design
    • Card designs should be agreed with our CSM team
    • Sub designs allow you to provide different designs for your customers, these can be chosen when creating a card using cardSubDesign field in request of this endpoint.

API definition: Create Card

Get Card by ID

  • Each card is generated with a unique card ID. You can use this ID to retrieve the card's details.

API definition: Get Card by ID

Replace Card - Lost | Stolen

  • Replace/Re-issue card is used for instances of a lost or stolen card. It marks the old card as inactive and issues a new one.
  • This process generates a new PAN (Primary Account Number), CVV and expiry date.
  • All digital wallets (apple pay, google pay) will be disabled when the old card is cancelled and will need to be created on the new card
  • If the new card created is PHYSICAL, it will be issued AWAITING_ACTIVATION while it transit, and can then be activated once received.
  • Virtual cards are automatically created and activated.

API definition: Replace Card

Renew Card - on Expiry

  • Renew card operation will renew the existing card into a new card with a later expiry date
  • This process creates a new card with a fresh expiry date, while keeping your existing PAN (Primary Account Number) the same.
  • Digital wallets will be automatically updated with the new card information for seamless use.
  • The old card will stay active while the new card is in transit. Once the new card is received and activated, the old card is disabled
  • Renew can only be called within 2 months of the expiry date of the card

API definition: Renew Card

Convert Card

  • Converting cards is the action of turning a virtual card to a physical card through the use of the convert card API.
  • When converting a card, the card details and design will remain unchanged. However, please note that the physical card will be temporarily inactive during shipment. It is at the customer's discretion to activate the card when they choose to do so.
  • Additionally, if the customer has added the card to their digital wallet, it will remain accessible even while the physical card is inactive.
  • Only converting from virtual to physical is possible.

API definition: Convert Card

Activate card

  • Move the card into a status that allows the customer to start carrying out transactions.
  • This operation is only valid for cards with an AWAITING_ACTIVATION status

API definition: Activate Card

Block Card

  • Stops the use of the card for any type of payment. The customer must get in touch with the relevant support. Used in instances that require investigation into the use of the card.
  • It will move card status to BLOCKED and can be reverted using Unblock Card

API definition: Block Card

Unblock Card

  • Unblock card is a reverse operation of Block Card.
  • Upon unblocking the card, the card status would be ACTIVE

API definition: Unblock Card

Cancel Card

  • Deactivate your card to prevent future use.
  • It will move card status to INACTIVE


Point to Note

INACTIVE is a final state and cannot be reverted once Canceled

API definition: Cancel Card

Change Card PIN

  • Card PIN change requires an API token with specific privilege. To use this feature please contact CSM to get the approval.


Point to Note

Only the user should have visibility of the new PIN chosen. We request that clients implement appropriate checks on their end

API definitions: Change Card PIN

Get Card PIN Status

  • This operation provides the capability to view the Card PIN status, whether enabled or disabled.

API definitions: Get Card PIN Status

Unblock Card PIN

  • Action providing the capability to unblock a card PIN so that the cardholder is able to attempt to enter their PIN again. Blocking of a card’s PIN occurs after the cardholder has incorrectly entered their card PIN 3 times.

API definition: Unblock Card PIN

Card Preferences

  • Card preferences allow the customer control how the card is used at any given time as an example the customer has a physical card but they may not want to allow contactless payments, the customer can control this by disabling contactless payments through the card preference endpoint.
  • Card preferences can only be updated if the card is ACTIVE
  • Configurations
    • cardEnabled (default Enabled): The physical card is enabled. Disabling the card prevents transactions from being processed using it, while the account remains active.
    • cardNotPresentEnabled (default Disabled): When enabled it means the customer can use card details to make online payments.
    • cashWithdrawalEnabled (default Disabled): When disabled it will stops the card being used to withdraw cash from ATM.
    • contactlessEnabled (default Disabled): Allows for payments to be made through contactless devices.
    • magneticStripeEnabled (default Disabled): Controls the functionality of whether the card will be accepted when swiped through POS machine.
    • mobileWalletPaymentsEnabled (default Enabled): Allows for payments using the digital wallet such as Apple Pay on IOS and Google Pay on Android devices.
  • The table below describes the list of available card preferences and their accessibility on both virtual and physical cards.
Card PreferenceVirtual CardPhysical Card
Allowed from point
of creation
Allowed before
after activation
Enabled card transaction - cardEnabledYESNOYES
Add to digital wallet - mobileWalletPaymentsEnabledYESYESYES
Pay using card details - cardNotPresentEnabledYESNOYES
Pay using contactless - contactlessEnabledNANONO
Cash withdrawal from ATM - cashWithdrawalEnabledNANOYES
Mag strip usage - magneticStripeEnabledNANONO


Point to Note

cardEnabled flag will override all other flags except mobileWalletPaymentsEnabled flag

API definitions:

Get Wallets Details

  • This feature allows you to retrieve digital wallet tokens and primary account identifier to determine if a card has been digitally provisioned on a devices wallet.

API definitions: Get Wallet By Card ID

Get Provisioning Details

  • This endpoints allows you to retrieve encrypted OEM provisioning data used with wallet push provisioning and card details SDKs.

API definitions: Get Provisioning data by Card ID

Enrol Card to Rewards

Please refer <> for more details on card rewards

API definitions: Enrol card to Rewards

How to test on Staging?

  • In the Staging environment, you can test all card features (except push provisioning) using pre-created mock data. No real cards will be issued for staging.
  • For card operations such as expiration, reminders, and renewal testing on Staging, please contact Shaype to manually update a card data for you, that allows you to proceed with your testing on Staging.