Accounts Operations

Get Account Details

Endpoint to retrieve an account details by account Id.

API Reference: Get Account by ID

Get cards by Account Id

Endpoint to retrieve all cards linked to an account by account Id.

API Reference: Get all Cards by Account ID

Get Auth Hold by Account Id

Endpoint to retrieve the authorisation hold details by account Id.

API Reference: Get all Authorisation Holds by Account ID

Block Account

Endpoint to block an account by account Id.

On a blocked account, the account status would be LOCKED.

API Reference: Block Account and Customer

Unblock Account

Endpoint to unblock a blocked account by account Id.

On an unblocked account, the account status will become ACTIVE.

API Reference: Unblock Account

Close an Account

Endpoint to close an account by account Id.

On close account,

The account status would be CLOSED . The CLOSED is a final status. There is no way to activate closed account.

All cards linked to the account will be inoperable

PayTo Mandate will be cancel if any.

In case of joint account, both the customers are allow to close an account. If the joint account has a hierarchy where one of the customers is admin then that customer can close without the others consent

In case of business account, all customer are allow to close an account. If the group account has a hierarchy where one of the customers is admin then that customer can close without the others consent

You can find more details on Account Closure

API Reference: Closes an account

Search Account

The endpoint to retrieve multiple accounts based on various search criteria.

Currently you can search by the accountNumber. In the future release, additional search criteria will be supported.

API Reference: Search accounts

Create Custom Data

The Shaype platform allows you to add your custom key-value pairs to your account during account creation and through this endpoint.

API Reference: Create Custom Data for Account

Delete Custom Data

This endpoint is used to delete all the custom data from an account.

API Reference: Delete Custom Data for Account

Create Rule for Account

This endpoint is designed to allow account-level controls over how money can be spent.

Following are the supported features:

Block a transaction based on Merchant Category Code (MCC) or Merchant Id: User can’t spend money at certain businesses - eg alcohol stores, gambling etc. Use ruleType MERCHANT_CODE_BLOCK or MERCHANT_ID_BLOCK

Block a transaction based on Merchant Name: User can’t spend money at a particular business. Use ruleType MERCHANT_NAME_BLOCK

Set a rule for a timed period: User spending is restricted for a specified time period - eg no alcohol for the next 3 days

You will receive the notification with the ruleDetail under type TRANSACTION on rule failed.

API Reference: Create Rule for Account

Get Rule for Account by Rule Id

This endpoint is used to retrieve specific rule details from account.

API Reference: Get Rule for Account by Rule ID

Get All Rules of Account

This endpoint is used to retrieve all a rules associated with the specific account.

API Reference: Get all Rules by Account ID

Delete Rule from Account

This endpoint is used to delete a rule from an account.

API Reference: Delete Rule from Account


Points to Notes

  • After account creation, the account risk level is set to HIGH by default, which sets all limits to 0 and prevents any movement of funds. Changing the risk level to LOW adjusts the limits to their default non-zero values and permits transactions.
  • You can change the account’s risk level by calling the Update Account Risk Level endpoint.